On Mother's Day I took a pregnancy test, and we found out we were going to be parents. We went to the doctor in June and saw our little guy for the first time - incredible.
We moved to Island Park, ID, in June where Nate worked with his brother, Kyle, as a boat inspector for the Freemont County Weed Division. I took a job at Buffalo Run Campground and cleaned cabins and made pizza until Labor Day. We got to take a vacation to California for a David Bedke Family Reunion and then on to the Olson Family Reunion in Orland, CA. Nate loved swimming in the pump and would have spent the whole time in there had he had the chance! Andrew returned with us and got to stay with us for 19 days. We loved having him around and he was a great help to Nate and I. I think his favorite part was eating all the otter-pops he wanted :) Andrew spotted some moose right outside the cabin multiple times. Here are just two of the pictures:
We also drove into Yellowstone National Park and I saw a bear for the first time. It was a black bear, and Nate got a little too close for comfort for me, but was okay and he got these great pictures.
Nate is now the head football coach for the school in West Yellowstone (the school is a K-12 school - I didn't even know they still had those) He loves it, and is doing a great job. He really cares about the boys and wants to see them succeed. They had their first victory on Saturday and everyone was pretty excited.
We love living here and all the visitors that come to see us. Sorry this over-view is short and sweet - ideally future posts will be closer together and so I can fit in more details ;)
p.s. Nate had his friend up while I was working in Idaho Falls last week, and this is the moose they saw - right by the cabin...
love the new blog...keep posting!!!